Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Prezi ups and downs

One of my goals while I am working part-time is to use the times when I am "off" to learn how to incorporate more technology in the classroom.  Powerpoint presentations are getting an awfully bad rap from students and business people who have yawned through long and boring presentations, so new ways of making presentations abound: Prezi is one of these.  I have looked at a couple of Prezis recently and  they were engaging; the software allows for a presentation on a backdrop something like a whiteboard or bulletin board.  The presentation follows a path around the board that zooms in on different information on the board.  The software is cloud-based, which is important if we are going to use it at school, so I decided to see how much of a presentation I could put together in a hour.

I went to the Prezi website and was pleased to see that Prezi has an enhanced free option for educators.  I joined, logged in and started making my presentation.  Prezi is very easy to use, at least for a simple first pass.  I haven't learned yet how to frame my photos so the captions can be seen at the same time as the photo, and somehow I missed the caption for the first photo.  However, the fact that I was able to complete a presentation in an hour encourages me to do more.  I anticipate making a Prezi about the steps to division next and I can imagine several projects that students could do using Prezis.

Anyway, I would like to introduce Garmin, the big red dog who inspires me starring in My First Prezi.

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